– Yeah, but I’m sure like people, I’m not doing this for people that are already in the game. I’m doing this for everybody who hasn’t started yet. Got it? (“Monday To Monday” by Saba) Saba, I’ve been telling you. (“A Dollar A Day” by Rakeem Miles) Listen to the same exact song for five hours. (clicks tongue) That right there. Real quick you’ll see the image here I just posted in my Instagram story. By the way, if you’re not following my Instagram stories, huge mistake. I feel like that’s become an incredibly important place. Though, I’ve upped my Snapchat game, too. Been upping it like everybody asking me like Instagram story, Snapchat stories? Both. Both. Like what happens if tomorrow Snapchat drops some sort of feature, it changes everything? Everybody’s gonna be scrambling back.

Stay consistent. Stay consistent as long, if something gets big enough stay consistent until it’s dead or explodes. Twitter. Gonna definitely do a retweet club. Gonna come up with something. Getting a little momentum believe it or not on Twitter. Listening a lot there, engaging. Comes so natural. Though I’m getting more serious about my Instagram comments too. Oh anyway, that exchange DRock. So that photo, that exchange. That’s what sparked it.

People like, it’s the way, you know I sent it to you, right? How to get people started. How does one get started? Let me see. What’d she say? So basically, I’m gonna make a video that’s gonna go bonkers I think of how to start. How to start. I think it’s going to be predicated on getting people to state their manifesto, whether that’s your mission or where you’re at right now. Your truth. Manifesto you know the kind of, the what, right? Frame it up, you know to like the what. The how is there’s only certain few ways to communicate in the world. Written word, video or audio. So that’s the next thing. So you got got a talk about your truth or your mission. Then you’ve gotta figure out how you’re gonna create that communication. Only three true pillars. That’s it. Written word, audio or video. That’s it guys. That’s how you communicate. And then, number three where, the distribution. How you gonna get it out? How to start. Got it? Manifesto or your state of the union, your truth.

Maybe in a little clip from me sitting in the actually definitely a clip from me sitting on the airplane in London where I look like Darth, like a Star Wars character. Same shit I hear from everybody who wins. You know, I think the fear of losing trumps the excitement of victory for so many people. (laughs) Very good. (“A Dollar A Day” by Rakeem Miles) Put me in a position to be a real partner or player. I’m very empathetic to the real life business you’re dealing with. I’m aware. That’s why I reached out to you. I didn’t know what that was. They emailed us and we pushed a meeting that we were supposed to have because of that and I figured I’d come to you and like really have this convo, you know? I’m telling you right now, you need to take a step back and give a real thought.

You don’t really know me but I think your intuition on me is right I think I can be a big plus here instead of a minus. I’m very interested in risk, especially if I believe in somebody. I mean this is a long game. Right? I can lose the entire year and win with you in four years. I’m very open, I on the other hand, am sitting with a lot of extra people so I have an asset that I can deploy so I don’t know what that means but you should definitely keep that in the back of your mind. Again, I think we’re talking about skill sets and politics so they don’t blend all the time so I’m very empathetic but there might be a way.

I mean, look, they’re might be a way for the scope to be directly with you, right? And small. I think a lot of things are going well in my direction and I can see this really being a huge win for me if I played this right and the downside is, my only downside is that you know that I’m even smarter and better than you think and you feel like I did the right thing. That’s not a very big downside. How much in fee are we getting? All-in? Right, we can use it. (“White Lines” by K.A.A.N.) Getting started is always the hardest thing. It’s just so difficult for so many people, crippled. You know just the starting point seems to be the thing that most people can’t figure out. Through these different exchanges I’m starting to figure out a cadence here. I haven’t made a detailed post, kind of a step one, step two, step three. It’s really not my style. It’s a little bit more from the hip, from the heart but I think I got something. I think I really have this kind of step one, step two, step three.

Starts with the manifesto. You have to produce a piece of content. And remember this is not for people who have already started. This is singularly for people who are sitting and have not started putting their name or their business into the world. They’re crippled by how do I start, how do I get into the social media game, how I put out my stuff? Very simply, step one, the manifesto. Either why you want to start putting out content or what you’re gonna start doing or where’re you going or what you about. The why or the what. What are you about? Who are you about to become? Or what you want to happen. For me, legacy of being an entrepreneur or giving advice or you’re starting this journey to talk about your barbershop, right? Manny, how old’s this barbershop now? Four months? – Five months.

– Five months. Manny’s first video should have been five months ago like here, we’re starting. We want to change the game. This is why we did it. This is why we left our shop. This is what we think we can do. This is the beginning. Either what you’re trying to accomplish or why you’re trying to do this. Number two, is where. Where do you put out the content? Right? There’s only really three core ways in the current internet to really communicate to the world. The written word, so you blog, you post on LinkedIn, you guest blog on different sites, you write. By the way, you can even do this on Instagram. You can take a photo and write seven paragraphs. I actually think it’s a good strategy.

Same with Facebook. Take a stinking photo and then write 13 sentences, 19 sentences. Or video, what I’m doing right now. YouTube, Facebook Video, Instagram one minute versions. Video is the other way we communicate and number three, audio. The boom of podcasts. So many people. Am I talking, it’s screwing you up? I love it. Podcast boom, right? There are people that kind of popped whether Jordan from Art of Charm or Pat Flynn or Lewis Howes, it was audio that became their kind of saving grace and their platform. So, first you got to figure out what or why you want to talk about it.

And then number two, you got to figure out where you’re gonna deploy your first piece of manifesto content. This rant, this mission statement, this manifesto. And then finally, where is this stuff gonna show up? Distribution. Such a big part of the strategy. Cool, you figured out what you’re gonna talk about. I want to save the world from babysitting mistakes. I’m gonna be the babysitting expert. Cool, you figured out how to say it.

You recording it to your voice memo on your phone and you just kept going. Right? You figured it out. You ended up being good in a radio voice. But now where does it go? So this get very detailed. Obviously, if it’s written word you look at the Mediums, the LinkedIn, the WordPresses, you start a blog, right? Or you go down your Facebook or you do it on Instagram. If it’s video you’ve got YouTube, you’ve got Facebook, you’ve got Instagram, you’ve got all these different platforms. And then if it’s audio, you’ve got SoundCloud and podcasting platforms, Stitcher, Google Voice, iTunes, you create a podcast. You just Google how do I set up my podcast? How do I distribute my content? But then you got to figure out how do people discover it. The where, right? This is where you go into ironically we’re here again, this is where we showed you how to go into the DM, right? Or you gotta figure out how to use the money and use Facebook ads and target the people that you’re trying to reach.

Or grinding hustle, just literally emailing 700 to 1,500 different blogs or media sites and saying do you want to distribute my content, right? Emailing Entrepreneur magazine, Inc. magazine, Babysitting Weekly, whatever it may be. You gotta get distribution. The way you do that is either through time or money. Money’s easy, Facebook ads, Google ads. Time is hard but if you have no money, it’s your only option. So nobody’s gonna cry for you if you want people to know about your stuff you need to find other places that have eyeballs or ears and get it out there. So you need to ask to be a guest on other peoples vlogs or other people’s blogs, influencer marketing. You know, these are the things you need to figure out. So, that’s how you start. I have a nice new haircut and (laughs). (“White Lines” by K.A.A.N.) – [Manny] Thank you. – [Gary] You got it. I appreciate it. Bye. Just addicted to attention, man. The attention. Not like I need attention, trading attention, that’s the game. People don’t get it. Attention. It’s the only thing that matters. And then the next thing that matters is what do you say with that attention.

That’s it, one-two punch, baby. (“White Lines” by K.A.A.N.).