How to Configure the Sign-Up Feature

Last Updated: Feb 28, 2018 04:34PM PST

Be sure to check out our video tutorial on Customer Onboarding and Management.

Sign-up is an extremely valuable feature to have enabled in your application. We highly recommend setting up both your Walkthrough and sign-up features.
Whether you wish to create a more pleasing onboarding experience to your app, use it as a lead gen tool, or just want to be able to put a face and name to your customers the Sign-up feature is what you need!

First head to the ‘Build’ step in the CMS. From here on the left you should see the App Onboarding section of the features list with the Sign-up | Log-in item.

Once enabled you will see the available options to configure your Sign-up and Log-In screens. Each of the cells has its own screen, and once clicked on the preview on the right will show an example of this exact screen.

Lets break down each of the screens.

  • Sign-up Options screens for new users to create an account
    • Skip Login – This will add a ‘Not Now’ button at the bottom of the screen to allows users to skip.
    • Social Media options – These options will adjust which social media options are available to create an account with.
    • The following screens will allow you to customize the text that is displayed, as well as a birthday intake form.
  • Log-in Screens screens for existing users to log in to the app
    • Reset Password – This cell allows you to customize the text shown on the password reset page

* The following options are feature dependent.

  • Loyalty Sign-up If your users skipped the initial sign-up, or are currently logged out when using the loyalty feature this version of the Sign-up flow will be used.
    • Settings – These options allow you to set whether account creation is required for the Loyalty feature, and when.
      • Always – For every stamp and redeem the user must be logged in. There will be no ‘Not Now’ skip button.
      • Upon loyalty redemption – The ‘Not Now’ button will be available for normal stamps, but a user must create or login to their account in order to redeem a loyalty.
      • Never – User is never required to create or sign into an account. The sign-up screen will continue to display, but the ‘Not Now’ skip button will always be available to them to bypass.
      • *Note for PWA product the Always option will be used as with the many scenarios encountered on the browser we must ensure we are honoring the customers stamps/redemptions correctly.


  • Reservation Sign-up  When using the Reservations feature with North Park the sign-up screens will be shared. You can customize the headline that is shown here.



The design settings will be imported from your Global Design, however, you can modify these settings under Custom Design. These settings will be used each time the Sign-up | Log-in screens are displayed, regardless if it’s on app launch or when using a feature like Loyalty.


Groups (Previously called Membership) If you are using the Groups feature, the Sign Up pages will be different. Please see this article here:


*Note: When Sign-up is enabled, the User Accounts section under Settings will be hidden.