Nightclub Mobile AppsMobile apps have changed the landscape of many industries, and the entertainment / hospitality business is no different.

If you own a nightclub or bar, you definitely should be looking into going mobile. Getting a mobile app could mean serious revenue for your business.

A mobile app can do all sorts of things for your business, because through a mobile app you’ll be able to engage your customers right from their mobile phone. You can then use the powerful features and functions of your mobile app to communicate with users and draw them back into your business — creating customer loyalty.

1. Event listings.
A patron is looking for something fun to do on Friday night. Do you think they are very likely to take the time to Google your club and see what’s going on? Probably not. But they are tuned into social media, and if they have your app, they’ll be able to find out what’s going on tonight with a couple of taps of their screen. Friends can share events with them and even invite them.

2. Reservations and Bookings.
Customers are much more likely to purchase tickets or make bottle service reservations via an app than coming to your location in person, or placing a phone call. This will save your employees time, too.

3. Social Media Sharing.
Patrons will share events, specials, and upcoming promotions for your night club with their friends, which will recruit more business. You’ll also be able to share information with your customers yourself.

4. Push notes.
Target those who are in the area with special ads, promotions and incentives. You can also send regular customers special deals and rewards for their loyalty, or simply get in touch with your followers to let them know about specials or up and coming shows/events.

5. Drink and food menu listings.
Customers are always looking to find a menu or drink list easily online. Having one available on your app will save them time and ensure the come to your establishment to get what they are looking for.

A survey from eMarketer, more than 50% of bars, clubs and restaurants in the US have adopted a social media presence, with 5% having mobile optimized websites and 3% having mobile apps. The report also showed that a vast majority (75%+) of the nightclub are looking to go mobile this year, creating a huge opportunity to help nightclubs go mobile!

The data also showed that location based marketing was growing rapidly.

BizAPPBiz offers affordable, do it yourself apps that are easy to use and show a high return on investment for small businesses. The best part is that you’re in control of the entire design and building process of your mobile app. Get started with BizAPPBiz today and watch your nightclub grow.